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Guide to Colour Lenses    

Optometrist Sydney

Use of Coloured Lenses for Vision Issues

Coloured lenses offer some benefits. They can be used to manage some specific vision problems, or they can be used to make us more comfortable in some environments.


Light Sensitivity (Photophobia)

Coloured lenses, such as rose or grey tints, can help reduce glare and improve comfort for individuals with light sensitivity.


Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities

Some studies suggest that coloured overlays or lenses can help reduce visual stress and improve reading speed and comprehension in individuals with dyslexia and other learning disabilities. However, this is still controversial and unproven.


Migraine and Visual Stress

Certain tints, like FL-41 (a rose-coloured tint), seem to reduce the frequency and severity of migraines and visual stress in some individuals. It is important to find the underlying cause of the headaches, which can be related to anything from jaw misalignment to stress to poor eyesight. Prescription glasses, contacts and tinted contacts can help many, but not all, people who suffer headaches.


Colour Vision Deficiency

Specially designed tinted lenses can enhance colour discrimination for many individuals who suffer some forms of colour blindness, allowing them to perceive colours more accurately. This improvement is due the way the rods and cones in the eyes function. The rods provide black and white vision. The colour vision comes from the three different types of cones, which are sensitive to red, blue or green light. Problems occur in some colour-blind individuals where some colours simultaneously activate two different types of rod. This makes two different colours seem similar or identical. For example, Red and green might look the same. But by using glasses or contact lenses that filter out a narrow band where two different colours overlap we can make those different colours appear more distinct.


Post-Concussion Syndrome

Coloured lenses can help alleviate symptoms such as light sensitivity, headaches, and visual discomfort in individuals recovering from concussions. The symptoms of a concussion might last anything from a few weeks to a year. A patient should report any concussion to their optometrist (as well as to any other medical practitioner) as any concussion will have at least some impact on eyesight.



Blue Light Filter Glasses 

These are not really tinted lenses, they look clear, but their use is worth discussing. Blue light glasses are designed to filter out a portion of blue light emitted by digital screens, such as those on computers, smartphones, and televisions. Blue light, which is part of the visible light spectrum, has a short wavelength and high energy. Excessive exposure to blue light, especially during the evening, can interfere with the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle by reducing the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep.

The lenses in blue light glasses either block or absorb blue light, preventing it from reaching the eyes. This can help reduce eye strain, fatigue, and discomfort associated with prolonged screen time. Additionally, using blue light glasses may improve sleep quality for those who use electronic devices before bedtime. While research on the long-term benefits is still ongoing, many users report relief from digital eye strain and better sleep patterns after using blue light glasses.

Blue blocking lenses can be helpful in environments that expose us to a lot of glare. This includes snow skiing and many water sports.Regular lenses can often be given a coating to turn them into blue blocking light lenses.


Talk to Our Sydney Optometrist

Recognising the signs of vision issues early can significantly improve your quality of life and prevent more serious problems down the line. If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, it’s important to schedule an eye examination with your optometrist. With the right corrective measures, including glasses, contact lenses, and even specialised coloured lenses, you can achieve optimal vision and enhance your overall eye health.

Remember, regular eye check-ups are essential for maintaining good vision and detecting any issues early. Don’t wait until symptoms become severe; take proactive steps to ensure your eyes remain healthy and your vision stays clear. If you have any concerns about your vision, contact our Sydney CBD Optometrist to book an appointment. Your eyes deserve the best care!

Subtle Signs you Have Vision Issues   

Optometrist Sydney


If something changes gradually, we may not initially notice. But we will eventually notice when the change becomes extreme. This phenomenon applies to our eyesight. We may not realise that we no longer see quite as clearly as we did in our youth. But the truth is that our vision has been slowly changing over time. If we know the signs to look for, we can catch this early on, perhaps preventing it from becoming worse. We will basically be better off if we use a glasses or contacts from the optometrist.


Signs of Vision Change

Many individuals are unaware that they may have a vision problem until it begins to significantly impact their daily lives. Recognizing the early signs of vision issues is important for timely intervention and effective treatment


Blurry Vision

We might experience blurry vision in one or both eyes. It will be more noticeable if the two eyes are different. Blurriness is a common symptom of several vision problems, including near-sightedness (myopia), far-sightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism.


Frequent Headaches

Headaches, especially after long term use of a screen or reading, is a common symptom of eye strain or uncorrected vision problems, most probably far-sightedness. This straining to see clearly puts extra stress on the eye muscles, causing discomfort and headaches. Over time the straining seems to make the eyesight problem worse. Often, reading glasses are enough to prevent the headaches, and help to prevent the vision issues from getting worse.



We might find ourselves unconsciously squinting in an attempt to improve our focus and clarity. This partially works because it temporarily changes the shape of your eye, helping to focus light better, and filters our some of the small detail in what we see. If you catch yourself or your child squinting, it’s time for an eye check-up.


Double Vision

Seeing double images, also known as diplopia, can be a symptom of various eye conditions, including strabismus (misalignment of the eyes) or issues with the cornea or lens. Double vision should be evaluated by an optometrist promptly.


Difficulty Seeing at Night

Some of us struggle to see clearly in low light conditions or have trouble driving at night. This is night blindness (nyctalopia). It can be caused by a deficiency in vitamin A, early forming cataracts, or other vision problems. Optometrists will have the best treatment, which can help maintain your eyesight.


Eye Fatigue

Eye fatigue, or asthenopia, is common among individuals who spend long periods of time digital devices. Symptoms include tired, aching eyes, and difficulty focusing. This could be a sign of digital eye strain or there might be other underlying vision issues. Sometimes this can be prevented with a blue light filter on glasses or the screen.


Halos and Glare

Seeing halos around lights or experiencing glare can be a sign of cataracts or other eye conditions. These symptoms often indicate that light is not being properly focused onto the retina.


Floaters and Flashes

While an occasional floater (small specks or strands in your vision) are normal, a sudden increase in floaters or flashes of light could be a sign of retinal detachment, which requires immediate medical attention.


Reading Problems

If you find yourself holding books or screens closer or farther away than usual, or if letters appear to jump or move, you may have a focusing problem or a binocular vision issue. This is especially common in children with undiagnosed vision problems.


Common Vision Issues and Corrective Measures

Near-sightedness (Myopia)

Nearsighted individuals can see close objects clearly, but distant objects appear blurry. This is often corrected with prescription glasses or contact lenses. Refractive surgery, such as LASIK, is another option for eligible patients.


Farsightedness (Hyperopia)

Farsighted people can see distant objects well, but struggle with close-up tasks. Corrective measures include prescription glasses or contact lenses designed to improve near vision.



Astigmatism is caused by an irregularly shaped cornea or lens, leading to blurred or distorted vision. Corrective measures include specially designed toric lenses in glasses or contact lenses, and refractive surgery.



Presbyopia is an age-related condition where the eye’s lens loses flexibility, making it difficult to focus on close objects. Reading glasses, bifocals, or multifocal contact lenses are common corrective options.



Strabismus, or crossed eyes, occurs when the eyes do not align properly. Treatment options include corrective glasses, eye exercises, or surgery, depending on the severity and underlying cause.




Remember, regular eye check-ups help maintain good vision, and can provide early detect of any issues. If we recognise the signs of vision issues early on we should see our optometrist. Proper treatment can significantly improve your quality of life and prevent more serious vision problems as we age. If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, it’s important to schedule an eye examination with your Sydney optometrist. Don’t wait until symptoms become severe; take proactive steps to ensure your eyes remain healthy and that your vision stays clear.

Caring for Glasses and Preventing Fogging.  

Optometrist Sydney

As an essential tool for clear vision, glasses require proper care to maintain their effectiveness and longevity. Additionally, fogging can be a common nuisance, especially in environments with temperature changes or humidity. Here, we’ll discuss practical tips for glasses care and effective strategies to prevent fogging, ensuring optimal vision for our Sydney optometry patients.


Glasses Care

Clean Regularly

Regular cleaning is crucial to keep glasses free from dirt, oil, and debris that can obstruct vision. Use a mild soap or specialized lens cleaner and a soft, lint-free cloth to gently wipe the lenses. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that can damage lens coatings.

Handle to Prevent Scratching

Handle glasses with clean hands and avoid placing them face down on hard surfaces to prevent scratches. When not in use, store them in a protective case to shield them from dust and accidental damage.

Adjust Properly

Ensure that glasses fit properly to prevent discomfort and maintain optimal vision. Visit our Sydney optometry clinic for adjustments if glasses feel loose or sit unevenly on the face.

Avoid Extreme Temperatures

Exposure to extreme temperatures can damage glasses frames and lenses. Avoid leaving glasses in hot cars or exposing them to extreme cold, as this can cause warping or lens distortion.

Regular Maintenance

Schedule regular check-ups with our optometrists in Sydney to monitor vision changes and assess the condition of glasses. Our team can provide professional cleaning, adjustments, and repairs to keep glasses in top condition.


Preventing Glasses Fog

Proper Fit

Ensure glasses fit snugly on the face to minimize airflow between the lenses and the skin. A proper fit helps reduce the likelihood of fogging, especially when wearing a mask.

Anti-Fog Coatings

Consider investing in glasses with anti-fog coatings, which create a hydrophilic barrier that prevents condensation from forming on the lenses. Our Sydney optometry clinic offers anti-fog options to enhance clarity and comfort.

Adjust Mask Fit

When wearing a mask, ensure it fits securely over the nose to minimize airflow upwards towards the glasses. Adjustable nose wires can help create a snug seal and reduce fogging.

Proper Ventilation

Improve airflow around glasses by ensuring proper ventilation. Positioning glasses slightly away from the face or using frames with built-in ventilation channels can help reduce condensation.

Home Lens Treatments

Apply a small amount of dish soap or anti-fog spray to the lenses, then gently buff with a clean cloth to create a fog-resistant barrier. Repeat this process regularly for continued effectiveness.

Advice from Our Optometrist Sydney 

By following these practical tips for glasses care and fog prevention, our Sydney optometry patients can enjoy clear, comfortable vision in any situation. For personalized advice and professional assistance with glasses maintenance, visit our clinic for a comprehensive eye examination and expert guidance from our experienced team.

The Complete Guide to Contact Lens Care: Dos and Don’ts

Optometrist Sydney CBD

Contact lenses offer convenience and clear vision, but proper care is essential to maintain eye health and maximise comfort. Whether you’re new to wearing contacts or a seasoned wearer, following best practices for contact lens care is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the dos and don’ts of contact lens care to ensure your eyes stay healthy and your vision remains crisp.


Dos of Contact Lens Care


Wash your hands prior to handling your lenses: Before touching your contact lenses, thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water. This helps prevent transferring dirt, oils, and bacteria to your lenses and reduces the risk of eye infections.


Maintain a clean and tidy bench space

Choose a dedicated area for handling your contact lenses and keep it clean and clutter-free. This minimizes the risk of contamination and ensures a hygienic environment for lens care.


Clean and disinfect your lenses every day

Clean your contact lenses daily using a recommended multipurpose solution or hydrogen peroxide cleaning system. Follow the instructions provided by your eye care professional and manufacturer for proper cleaning and disinfection techniques.


Use a contact lens peroxide cleaning case

Consider using a contact lens peroxide cleaning system for thorough disinfection. Peroxide-based solutions effectively remove protein deposits and bacteria from your lenses, providing a deep clean for optimal lens hygiene.


Have a pair of backup spectacles

Always have a pair of prescription eyeglasses as a backup in case you need to give your eyes a break from wearing contacts or experience any discomfort.


Dispose of your soft lenses at the recommended time

Replace your soft contact lenses according to the recommended wearing schedule provided by your eye care professional. Using lenses beyond their recommended lifespan can increase the risk of eye infections and discomfort.


Have regular eye examinations with your optometrist

Schedule routine eye exams with your optometrist to monitor your eye health and ensure your contact lens prescription remains up-to-date. Regular exams also allow your optometrist to identify any potential issues early on and provide personalized recommendations for optimal eye care.


Don’ts of Contact Lens Care


Do not sleep with contact lenses

Do not sleep with your contact lenses on, unless you have Ortho-K Lenses specifically prescribed by your eye care professional. Sleeping in lenses not intended for overnight wear can restrict oxygen flow to the cornea, increasing the risk of corneal complications and infections.


Do not swim with contact lenses

Remove your contact lenses before swimming or engaging in water activities. Contact lenses can trap waterborne bacteria and other microorganisms against the eye, leading to infections and discomfort. Invest in some prescription swimming goggles if you intend to spend a lot of time in the water.


Do not lick your contact lenses

Refrain from licking or wetting your contact lenses with saliva to moisten them. Saliva contains bacteria that can transfer to your lenses, increasing the risk of eye infections.


Do not wash your contact lenses in tap water

Avoid rinsing or storing your contact lenses in tap water, as it may contain microorganisms that can adhere to your lenses and cause eye infections.


Do not wear your lenses if your eyes are red or sore

If you experience redness, irritation, or discomfort in your eyes, remove your contact lenses immediately and consult your eye care professional. Continuing to wear lenses when your eyes are irritated can exacerbate symptoms and increase the risk of complications.


Do not wear expired contact lenses or cleaning solutions

Check the expiration dates on your contact lenses and cleaning solutions regularly. Using expired products can compromise lens hygiene and increase the risk of eye infections.


By following these dos and don’ts of contact lens care, you can maintain optimal eye health, minimize the risk of complications, and enjoy clear, comfortable vision with your contact lenses. Remember to consult your Sydney optometrist eye care professional for personalized recommendations and guidance on proper lens care techniques.


View Synonyms and Definitions

On The Importance of Eye Exams    

Optometrist Sydney CBD

Regular eye exams are a cornerstone of maintaining optimal visual health, yet many individuals underestimate their significance. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the essential aspects of why routine eye examinations are crucial, shedding light on common eye conditions, the benefits of early detection, and how these exams play a pivotal role in preserving your overall visual well-being.


Understanding the Significance


Early Detection of Eye Conditions

Regular eye exams are a proactive approach to identifying potential eye conditions at an early stage. Many eye diseases, such as glaucoma and macular degeneration, may not present noticeable symptoms in their initial phases. Early detection allows for timely intervention, preventing further progression and preserving vision.


Prescription Updates

Changes in vision can occur gradually, and individuals may not always be aware of them. Regular eye exams ensure that your prescription is up-to-date. Addressing changes promptly is vital for maintaining clear and comfortable vision in your day-to-day activities.


Monitoring Eye Health

Eye exams go beyond assessing vision clarity. They also involve a thorough examination of the overall health of your eyes. Conditions like dry eye syndrome, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy can be identified and managed through routine eye check-ups.


Common Eye Conditions


Myopia (Near sightedness)

A common refractive error where distant objects appear blurry. Regular eye exams help monitor the progression of myopia, and corrective measures can be implemented to manage its impact.


Hyperopia (Farsightedness)

Difficulty seeing close objects clearly. Early detection through eye exams allows for appropriate corrective measures to be prescribed, preventing eye strain and discomfort.



Blurred or distorted vision caused by irregularities in the shape of the cornea or lens. Eye exams aid in diagnosing astigmatism and determining the right corrective lenses for optimal visual clarity.



Age-related difficulty in focusing on close objects. Eye exams help identify presbyopia and guide individuals toward suitable options, such as reading glasses or multifocal lenses.


Benefits of Early Detection


Preventing Vision Loss

Many eye conditions can lead to irreversible vision loss if left untreated. Early detection enables timely intervention, preserving vision and enhancing overall quality of life.


Managing Eye Strain and Discomfort

Addressing changes in prescription or identifying issues like dry eyes during an eye exam helps manage symptoms such as eye strain, headaches, and discomfort.


Detecting Systemic Health Conditions

Beyond eye-specific issues, eye exams may reveal signs of systemic health conditions like diabetes and hypertension. Detecting these early on allows for timely medical intervention.



Regular eye exams are not just about seeing clearly; they are a proactive step towards maintaining your overall visual health. From early detection of eye conditions to ensuring accurate prescriptions, these examinations are a valuable investment in your well-being. Call an optometrist Sydney and book your routine eye exam today. Prioritize the health of your eyes for a clearer and brighter future.







The Winning View – Eyesight and Sport    

Optometrist Sydney CBD.

Achieving peak performance in sports requires more than physical prowess. Good eyesight is essential for good performance. We need to keep our vision in the best condition possible, and this sometimes includes protective eyewear.

Exploring Sports-Specific Eyewear

Venture into the realm of specialized sports eyewear tailored for different athletic endeavours. From protective eyewear to polarized lenses and tinted glasses, each enhancement is designed to optimize performance and mitigate the risk of injuries. By embracing sports-specific eyewear, athletes can elevate their game to new heights.


Safeguarding Your Eyes during Physical Activities

Providing practical strategies for safeguarding eyes during sports is paramount. From utilizing protective gear to maintaining proper hydration and recognizing signs of potential eye issues, prioritizing eye protection is essential for long-term visual health. Regular eye check-ups should be emphasized to ensure athletes maintain optimal vision throughout their sporting careers.


Comparing Glasses, Contacts, and Orthokeratology

The suitability of glasses, contact lenses, and orthokeratology treatment varies across different sports. Our Sydney Optometrsists can help evaluate the advantages and considerations of each option, including comfort, peripheral vision, and ease of use, helps athletes make informed decisions regarding their preferred eyewear.


Assessing Glasses

Determine whether glasses are conducive to sports where they may hinder vision or be susceptible to breakage, weighing the potential drawbacks against their benefits.


Exploring Contacts

Delve into the convenience and flexibility of contact lenses for sports, considering factors such as comfort and ease of use during physical activities.


Examining Orthokeratology

Explore the potential benefits of orthokeratology treatment, particularly for athletes seeking freedom from glasses and daytime contact lens wear. This innovative solution offers a personalized approach to vision correction. The lenses are worn at night, allowing clear vision during the day.



Sports vision is undeniably a game-changer, with the potential to significantly impact athletic performance. Our Optometrists in Sydney prioritize visual health, athletes can equip themselves with the right eyewear, implement essential eye protection measures, and explore personalized solutions to optimize their sports experience. The Winning View – Eyesight and Sport underscores the importance of nurturing visual health as a cornerstone of athletic excellence, empowering athletes to achieve their full potential on and off the field.

Types of Low Vision  

Optometrist Sydney CBD.

Understanding Types of Low Vision: Impact on Lifestyle and Optometric Help


Low vision encompasses various visual impairments: central vision loss, peripheral vision loss, night blindness, and blurry or hazy vision. Understanding how these conditions affect lifestyle and the ways in which optometrists can provide assistance is crucial for individuals experiencing low vision.


Central Vision Loss:


Impact on Lifestyle:


Central vision loss affects the ability to see details, recognize faces, and read. Activities such as reading, driving, and recognizing facial expressions become challenging, impacting overall independence and quality of life.


How an Optometrist Can Help:


Optometrists can prescribe low vision aids such as magnifiers, telescopic lenses, and bi-optic glasses to enhance central vision. They may also recommend rehabilitation services to improve adaptability to daily tasks.

Peripheral Vision Loss:


Impact on Lifestyle:


Peripheral vision loss reduces awareness of surroundings and can lead to difficulties navigating crowded spaces or avoiding obstacles. Activities like walking, driving, and playing sports become more challenging.


How an Optometrist Can Help:


Optometrists can provide orientation and mobility training to improve spatial awareness. They may recommend specific visual aids and devices designed to expand the visual field.

Night Blindness:


Impact on Lifestyle:


Night blindness, or nyctalopia, makes it difficult to see in low-light conditions. This can affect activities like driving at night, navigating dimly lit spaces, and participating in evening events.


How an Optometrist Can Help:


Optometrists can diagnose the underlying causes of night blindness and recommend solutions such as prescription glasses with anti-glare coatings, lifestyle adjustments, and addressing any underlying eye conditions.

Blurry or Hazy Vision:


Impact on Lifestyle:


Blurry or hazy vision can result from various eye conditions, making it challenging to perform tasks that require clear vision, such as reading, recognizing faces, or watching television.


How an Optometrist Can Help:


Optometrists can conduct comprehensive eye exams to identify the cause of blurry or hazy vision. Prescription glasses, contact lenses, or vision therapy may be recommended to address refractive errors or underlying eye conditions.


Optometric Solutions for Low Vision:


Prescription Eyewear:


Optometrists can prescribe glasses or contact lenses to correct refractive errors and enhance visual clarity.


Assistive Devices:


Optometrists may recommend a variety of low vision aids, including magnifiers, telescopes, and electronic devices, to assist with specific visual tasks.


Rehabilitation Services:


Optometrists work with rehabilitation specialists to provide training on adaptive techniques and strategies to maximize independence in daily activities.


Counselling and Support:


Optometrists play a crucial role in providing emotional support, counselling, and resources to help individuals cope with the challenges associated with low vision.


Understanding the impact of different types of low vision on daily life is essential for individuals seeking assistance. Optometrists play a crucial role in diagnosing, managing, and improving the quality of life for those experiencing low vision. By providing tailored solutions, optometrists empower individuals to navigate their daily routines with increased confidence and independence.


Eye Care for Every Age

Optometrist Sydney CBD

Maintaining good eye health is crucial at every stage of life. Different age groups have some different eye care needs, and understanding these can help prevent vision issues and promote overall well-being.



Children (0-12 Years):


Tip 1: Schedule Regular Paediatric Eye Exams:

Ensure children undergo comprehensive eye exams starting at around six months old and regularly thereafter. Early detection of vision issues is key to successful treatment.


Tip 2: Encourage Outdoor Activities:

Outdoor play helps reduce the risk of developing myopia (near-sightedness) in children. Encourage activities that involve looking into the distance. Sunglasses should be worn during the middle of the day.


Tip 3: Monitor Screen Time:

Limit screen time for children and ensure they follow the 20-20-20 rule: take a 20-second break every 20 minutes, looking at something 20 feet away.



Teens and Young Adults (13-25 Years):


Tip 1: Prioritize UV Protection:

Emphasize the importance of wearing sunglasses with UV protection to shield eyes from harmful sun rays. UV exposure increases the risk of cataracts and other eye issues later in life. Early morning Sun exposure without sunglasses (before 8am) is health for circadian sleep patterns. But wear sunglasses for the rest of the day.


Tip 2: Address Digital Eye Strain:

With increased screen time, educate teens and young adults about the symptoms of digital eye strain. Encourage proper lighting, regular breaks, and the use of blue light filtering glasses if necessary.


Tip 3: Be Mindful of Contact Lens Hygiene:

Stress the importance of proper contact lens hygiene to avoid infections. Remind them to follow recommended wear and replacement schedules. Ortho-K lenses might be used at this age to help retain the eyesight that we have.


Tip 4: Medical Conditions:

Some medical conditions, like diabetes, can cause serious eye conditions, even blindness, over time. Following appropriate medical advice when we are young will significantly reduce the risk of eye conditions latter on, or at least reduce their severity.




Adults (26-60 Years):


Tip 1: Regular Comprehensive Eye Exams:

Schedule comprehensive eye exams every two years, or more frequently if advised by an eye care professional. Address any changes in vision promptly.


Tip 2: Manage Chronic Conditions:

Individuals with conditions like diabetes or hypertension should manage these effectively, as they can impact eye health. Regular eye exams are crucial for early detection.


Tip 3: Avoid Smoking:

Smoking is linked to an increased risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Encourage smoking cessation for better overall eye health.

Seniors (60+ Years):


Tip 1: Annual Eye Exams:

Schedule annual eye exams to monitor age-related eye conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, and AMD. Early detection is key for managing these issues.


Tip 2: Monitor Medication Side Effects:

Some medications can affect vision. Seniors should be aware of potential side effects and report any changes in vision to their healthcare provider.


Tip 3: Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle:

Encourage seniors to adopt a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet rich in eye-friendly nutrients like vitamins A, C, and E, as well as omega-3 fatty acids.


By incorporating these tailored eye health tips into each life stage, individuals can take proactive steps to preserve their vision and overall eye health. Regular eye exams, healthy lifestyle choices, and awareness of potential risks contribute to a lifetime of optimal vision and well-being.


Seasonal Eye Care

Optometrist Sydney CBD

Protecting Your Eyes in Summer: UV Safety Tips


As the temperatures soar and the sun becomes more intense, it becomes increasingly important to safeguarding our eyes. Summer, marked by longer days and increased outdoor activities, brings potential risks to our eyes from extended exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Here’s a factual guide on how to protect your eyes during the summer months.


What is UV?

In addition to the visible light that we see the Sun also produces invisible Ultraviolet light (UV). This is the energy that causes skin to become sunburnt, and then age prematurely. Eyes can also be damaged by UV, often far more quickly than skin. So, some protection for eyes is essential if we are outside for more than a few minutes.


Ordinary Glass will block some UV light. Specifically, it will block most UVB, the higher frequency UV light. But it will not really block the UVA. So, while we are unlikely to get sunburnt if we are behind plain glass our eyes can still suffer damage from the UVA light.


Some types of glass are treated to block 99% of UV light. This is usually tinted glass, with amber coloured glass apparently offering the best protection. But most car and house windows are not tinted, and only offer minimal UV protection.




Wear UV-Protective Sunglasses:

Invest in sunglasses that block 100% of UVA and UVB rays. This protection is crucial to shield your eyes from harmful UV radiation, known to contribute to cataracts, macular degeneration, and other eye conditions.


Choose Wraparound Styles:

Opt for sunglasses with wraparound frames to enhance protection by minimizing peripheral exposure to UV rays. This style offers comprehensive coverage, reducing the risk of UV-related eye damage.


Use Wide-Brimmed Hats:

Complement your sunglasses with a wide-brimmed hat. This adds an extra layer of protection, particularly during peak sunlight hours. The hat’s brim helps block direct sunlight from reaching your eyes.


Stay Hydrated:

Proper hydration is vital for overall health, including eye health. In the summer heat, dehydration can contribute to dry eyes. Drink an adequate amount of water to maintain moisture levels in your eyes.



Being under cover during bright sunlight will help reduce UV light, but it cannot eliminate the UV entirely. The UV light will still be reflected off many surfaces, including ocean water, concrete and most building surfaces. So, while shade helps, we still need good sunglasses and sunscreen if we spend time outside.


Cloudy Days:

Unfortunately, there is still a lot of UV light in cloudy weather. Depending on the amount of cloud cover we might still experience half of the UV light we see from clear skies. So, continue to use sunglasses, a hat and sunscreen on cloudy summer days.


Take Breaks from Screens:

While summer often means more outdoor activities, if you find yourself spending time on digital devices, remember to take regular breaks. Prolonged screen time can contribute to digital eye strain, causing discomfort and fatigue.


Winter Eye Care: Dealing with Dry Eyes and Cold Weather Challenges


The winter season introduces its own set of challenges for eye health, primarily centred around dry eyes and exposure to harsh cold winds. Understanding how to address these issues is crucial for maintaining comfortable and healthy eyes during the colder months.


Combat Dry Air Indoors:

Cold outdoor air combined with heated indoor environments can lead to dry eyes. Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air inside your home or office, helping prevent the evaporation of tears and alleviating dry eye symptoms.


Protect Eyes from Cold Winds:

Exposure to cold winds can cause tears to evaporate more quickly, leading to dryness and irritation. Wear protective eyewear, such as wraparound sunglasses, to shield your eyes from the cold wind and reduce the risk of dry eyes.


Use Lubricating Eye Drops:

Lubricating eye drops or artificial tears can provide relief for dry eyes. Consider using preservative-free drops to prevent irritation and use them as needed throughout the day, especially if you spend extended periods in heated or dry environments.


Bundle Up with Eye-Friendly Gear:

In addition to sunglasses, consider wearing a wide-brimmed hat or a beanie that covers your eyes to protect them from the biting cold. This added layer helps maintain a comfortable temperature around your eyes.


Maintain a Nutrient-Rich Diet:

Consume foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A and D, and antioxidants to support overall eye health. A balanced diet contributes to the production of tears and helps combat dry eyes.


Some Sun Exposure:

We need some sunlight to help our bodies produce vitamin D and stay healthy. Sunlight also regulates our sleeping cycle. We recommend a few minutes of Sun exposure in the early hours of the morning. Then use sunglasses and protection for the rest of the day.


Seasonal eye care is a year-round commitment to protecting your eyes from environmental factors that can impact their health. Whether shielding your eyes from UV rays in the summer or combating dryness in the winter, these factual tips provide practical guidance for maintaining optimal eye health throughout the changing seasons. Incorporate these measures into your routine to ensure your eyes remain comfortable and well-protected, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of each season with clarity and comfort.

Digital Eye Strain

Optometrist Sydney CBD

Navigating the Digital Landscape: A Practical Guide to Minimizing Digital Eye Strain


In today’s digital age our dependence on screens has become virtually unavoidable, both personally and professionally. Unfortunately, this prolonged exposure often gives rise to a prevalent condition known as Digital Eye Strain, or Computer Vision Syndrome. We need to understand the causes and symptoms of Digital Eye Strain in order to prevent and alleviate its effects.


Understanding Digital Eye Strain:


Causes of Digital Eye Strain:

Digital Eye Strain emerges from prolonged periods of screen usage. Contributing factors include inadequate lighting, screen glare, improper screen distance, and the constant need to refocus between screens and other objects.

Symptoms to Watch For:

Early recognition of Digital Eye Strain symptoms is critical. Common indicators encompass eye fatigue, headaches, dry eyes, blurred vision, and neck and shoulder pain. Ignoring these symptoms may lead to increased discomfort, affecting both work and daily activities.


Alleviating Digital Eye Strain:


Follow the 20-20-20 Rule:

Implement the 20-20-20 rule to mitigate eye strain. Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break, focusing on an object 20 feet away. This simple routine helps relax eye muscles and prevent excessive fatigue.

Proper Screen Ergonomics:

Adjust the height and angle of your computer screen to foster correct eye positioning. Maintain the screen at or slightly below eye level, with an arm’s length distance, to minimize eye strain and reduce the need for constant refocusing.

Optimal Lighting Conditions:

Ensure well-lit workspaces to decrease eye strain. Position lights away from the monitor to prevent glare, use curtains or blinds to manage natural light, and opt for indirect lighting to create a comfortable work environment.

Blink Regularly and Use Artificial Tears:

Combat reduced blinking during extended screen use by consciously blinking more frequently. Consider using artificial tears to prevent dry eyes and maintain eye comfort.

Blue Light Protection:

Invest in blue light blocking glasses or screen filters to reduce exposure to harmful blue light emitted by digital devices. Minimizing exposure is vital, as blue light can contribute to eye strain and disrupt sleep patterns.

Regular Eye Exams:

Schedule routine eye exams to monitor eye health and address any vision concerns promptly. Eye care professionals can offer personalized recommendations based on your specific needs and screen usage patterns.


Preventing Computer Vision Syndrome:

Workspace Ergonomics:

Arrange your workspace to minimize strain on your eyes, neck, and shoulders. Position your monitor at eye level, use an ergonomic chair, and ensure your feet are flat on the ground for optimal comfort.

Adjust Screen Settings:

Modify screen brightness, contrast, and font size for a comfortable viewing experience. Avoid overly bright screens, especially in low-light conditions. Some monitors have a low blue light mode, designed for night use. This minimises the blue light.

Take Regular Breaks:

Integrate breaks into your work routine to alleviate eye strain. Stand up, stretch, and focus on distant objects to give your eyes a well-deserved rest, promoting overall well-being.

Hydration and Nutrition:

Stay adequately hydrated, as dehydration can exacerbate eye strain symptoms. Consume a diet rich in eye-healthy nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, and antioxidants.


As our use of digital devices continues to grow our methods of eliminating or at least reducing Digital Eye Strain will become part of our daily lives. By practicing these simple, practical tips and making conscious adjustments to our digital habits, we can mitigate the impact of prolonged screen use on our eyes, promoting long-term comfort and visual acuity in the digital age. Prioritizing eye health is an investment in our overall well-being as we navigate the digital landscape.